Adelaide Hills Biochar Initiative


by Brian Lewis - September 6th, 2016.
Filed under: Announcements.

Hi out there! Sorry to have been away from the blog for so long. I have been busy developing two new types of biochar kiln. A brief summary follows:

One is a gasifier kiln based on the principles of the “Troika” TLUD (Top Lit Up Draft) gasifier stove developed by Dr. Paul Anderson. I have called this our Series 2 Style.

The other is a retort style kiln that allows the syngas to be used as a fuel for the kiln or diverted to a gas scrubber (i.e. gas cleaner) prior to burning or storing. This is similar in concept to the “Hornito” system developed by Robert Lerner of Biochar Costa Rica. I have called this our Series 3 style kiln.

The Series 3 kiln has been extensively tested and used by Temple Bruer Winery at Milang as part of their on-going program to become carbon neutral in their own right.

After I had done all that I retired so do not have any further commercial interest in making or selling biochar kilns.

However I would still very much like to encourage more people to make biochar.

So with that in mind I have written and published an e-book entitled “Making Biochar – with Technical Manual”. This has been published by Strong and Bold Publishing (my new publishing business) and is available for $9.99 from Please take a look at it. And if you like it please let me know. Or even tell me how it could be improved. The book is possibly unique in that it includes complete fabrication drawings for the Series 2 and Series 3 style kilns referred to above.

1 Response to BIOCHAR UPDATE

  1. Extremely enlightening, looking forwards to coming back.

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