Adelaide Hills Biochar Initiative


by Brian Lewis - July 26th, 2012.
Filed under: Announcements.

I know there are a few people actually developing and trialling various types of carboniser here in South Australia. But they don’t get much coverage in the media these days. If you are either building, developing, trialling or buying either a batch or continuous carboniser feel free to send your details here with a bit of a story and tell us about it. Don’t hide your light under a bushel!

3 Responses to IS ANYONE OUT THERE?

  1. Hello fellow biochar lover.
    Just letting you know that there are others out here!
    A motley trio, consisting of a budding “ecologist” and two respected vehicle engineers are in the process of creating a biochar retort.
    In the future we hope to link with groups like yours in spreading the good word.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Hello

    I am currently trialling BIOCHAR in the Eastern Adelaide Hills in Rockleigh SA.

    Am 99% certain that BIOCHAR without a doubt (!) has vastly improved the growth & health of my seedlings. I just planted 5 x (native) seedlings from a local nursery & they are looking as HEALTHY as ever & recently survived the ridiculous 2 x 40deg+ heatwaves quite comfortably. Compared to previous seedlings not planted with BIOCHAR it seems to be a positive hit !


  3. Hi there fols,

    I’m a PhD student at Adelaide University Chem. Eng. department working on Biochar (specifically activated biochar) and I’m looking to get in contact with other Adelaide area biochar enthusiasts.


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